Tuesday 1 July 2014

Three Generations Under One Roof.

I have lived with my family a majority of my life; not including the year and a half when I lived away for work.  I graduated high school on June 27, 2010 and moved out the next day to start my first part time job.  I loved being away from home, my mom and I became friends and we went on numerous outings together.  Being my moms friend gave me a sense of realization, that a mother can always be your mother but she can also be your friend. You then also that you have a sense of independence.

Being independent for a year and a half was great, then I thought it was time to get a boyfriend, and well not long after we started dating I found out I was pregnant. . . I then continued to go in a downward spiral; I lost shifts a work leaving me with an eight hour shift in a seven day week, being lied to on numerous occasion(from my significant other), creating enemies within my family and then having to move back home for financial reasons. . . And the joy started.

I moved back home in September of 2011 and I could tell my parents didn't like it. They just got rid of me and my older brother, then I had to move back home with an unplanned package.  I was now invading in their personal space, and there was going to be more than me there in the next 9 months.

My parents and my ex boyfriend were on bad terms, because of my stupidity for staying with him, after all of his abusive behaviour, his lying, cheating and stealing.  They wanted me to ruin all of our good times together and focus on all the bad.  They eventually got through my thick skull and stubborn mind and made me realize I need to do what is best for me, and my soon to be son.  I left him in April 2012 (before our son was born). 

Then the real fun started.

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